How it Works

Coffee and Networking

What is the format of the meetings?

  • 10.00 – 10.15 Registration (Meet and Greet, open networking)
  • 10.15 – 11.00 Introductions. We go around the room and introduce ourselves. Depending upon the numbers in the meeting you are given 1 minute to tell everyone your name, the name of your business, what it is you do and who your ideal business connections would be.
  • 11.00 – 11.20 Two ten minute one to one meetings with another attendee.
  • 11.20 – 11.40 Presentation by one of the attendees. This is your chance to really showcase your business to the rest of the group (over and above the one minute introduction). Maybe you will want to tell the group in more detail about what you do, what services you offer or maybe you would like to provide a presentation on a topical area relevant to your business, which the group would find useful.
  • 11.40 – 12.00 Open networking
  • 12.00pm Meeting finishes

What should I say in my introduction?

Depending upon the numbers in attendance you normally have around one minute to introduce yourself to the group. You should aim to tell everyone your name, the name of your business, what it is you do and the types of businesses you are looking t0 meet.

What do I need to bring along with me?

To each meeting you should bring with you lots of business cards, flyers and any other promotional material.

How do I book onto a meeting?

Visit the meeting dates page of this website and click on the register button for the meeting you would like to attend. This will take you to the booking page on Eventbrite. It is free to register, you just pay £5 on the day. Alternatively please call me on 07450 989048 or email to let me know you are coming. Please do not just turn up.